Fields of application of THERAKLES
Summer heat protection
Simulation-supported evaluation of summer heat protection (according to DIN 4108-2)
Heating & cooling energy calculation
Dynamic heat load calculation according to DIN 12831
Dynamic evaluation of comfort in rooms
Control optimization
Regelungsoptimierung mit intermittierender Heizung
Hygrothermal room climate analysis
Hygrothermal indoor climate analysis and evaluation of humidity buffering behavior
THERAKLES Screenshots

What can THERAKLES do?
The THERAKLES simulation program calculates the dynamic thermal or hygrothermal behavior of rooms and buildings. It is a calculation tool for planning engineers and architects in the field of building physics, building climatology and technical building equipment.
The simulation program can be used to make statements about thermal comfort and energy efficiency depending on architectural design decisions, room use and control of the system technology. The program can be used to optimize thermal comfort all year round and at the same time reduce energy requirements for heating and air conditioning.
Due to the optimized numerical core, THERAKLES delivers simulation results very quickly despite the detailed physical model and typically requires only seconds for annual simulations.
Planning/engineering practice

- Simulation-supported evaluation of summer heat protection (according to DIN 4108-2)
- Heat load calculation and year-round energy demand simulation
- Heating and cooling system design
- Regelungsoptimierung mit intermittierender Heizung
- Hygrothermal room climate analysis and evaluation of moisture buffer behavior of construction variants and surface materials
- Generate dynamic interior conditions for hygrothermal component analysis
- fast variant analysis
- … and many other applications
Special features of THERAKLES

- Exact physical representation of the thermal and hygric storage and transport processes through space-discrete constructions (ie dynamic temperature and humidity distributions in the constructions are calculated)
- integrated sun position and radiation load model
- flexible schedule definition
- simple and clear input interface for all model parameters
- direct result evaluation after the end of the simulation
- Error-controlled simulation method with safeguarded mass and energy conservation and adaptive time step adjustment
- highly optimized solution methods based on preconditioned Krylow subspace methods for annual simulations in a few seconds
- Calculation core validated on standardized standard cases and tests with higher requirements for dynamic processes
- External command line simulation program for script-based simulation/embedding in other programs
- Support of the Functional Mockup Interface Standard Version 2 for ModelExchange and CoSimulation
- runs natively on Windows , MacOSX and Linux
Material database

- Accurately checked, verified material functions
- Variable material properties
- New material properties and materials can be defined
- Detailed information on all material properties possible
- Extensive material database included
- Three-dimensional, anisotropic material properties (DELPHIN 6 only)
Teaching and further education
THERAKLES is very well suited for teaching due to its fast calculation core and integrated result evaluation. All model parameters can be varied and the effect is visible after a few seconds of simulation time. THERAKLES can be used to analyze dynamic processes in rooms and buildings, as well as to carry out stationary design calculations.
THERAKLES is available free of charge and uses open file formats for input and output files. Result data can be read into evaluation programs (Excel etc.) as ASCII files and evaluated in a variety of ways. Models can also be parameterized in detail so that THERAKLES can also be used for in-depth studies and project work.