Download CCM-Editor

File Version Betriebssystem Size Type Download
CCMEditor Version 1.0.2 - Linux 64-Bit Linux 947.46 KB 7Z
CCMEditor Version 1.0.1 - MacOS 64-Bit MacOS 1.74 MB DMG
CCMEditor Version 1.0.2 - Windows 64-Bit Windows 7.99 MB EXE

License CCM-Editor

License Information

The CCM-Editor is a software tool for creating, checking and editing climate data records in c6bformat, which are then used in the IBK simulation programs DELPHIN, THERAKLES and NANDRAD. The areas of application are diverse, including the analysis of climate data.

No paid licenses are required for use, the CCM Editor is free of charge. Free support is only available to a limited extent. A detailed manual is available in case of problems with the application or questions regarding use. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can find answers on the “Help & FAQ” page or contact us using the contact formula.

License Types

Description Price (excl. VAT)
free of charge
The CCM Editor is free of charge and has been specially developed for converting climate data sets.
License overview CCM-Editor.

We can only provide limited support for academic, student and demo licenses. As a rule, however, we try to answer any questions students may have quickly, as we want to actively promote education in this subject area.

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